1 April 2016 workshop

We are taking bookings for our full day workshop for a general audience of professionals who work with vulnerable children and youth on 1 April. Email us to book a place and arrange payment. talkingtroublenz@gmail.com This workshop is called 'Identifying and supporting language and communication needs for vulnerable children and young people' and explores very practical strategies to help professionals such as police, lawyers, social workers, educators, youth workers, counsellors, psychologists etc use strategies to help children/youth understand the talk involved in whatever work the professionals are doing, and to help them the children or young people say what they want to say.We ran a very similar workshop on 26 February 2016 at the Mangere Mountain Education Centre, attended by a highly skilled and enthusiastic group, including professionals from law, police, nursing, research, social work, youth mentoring and education. The mix in the group generated very productive engagement with the practical activities and from their very positive feedback, they appeared to enjoy the day and benefit from the content. Participants reported they liked:

  • "That it provided clear strategies. Very clear flow of information. Activities were very relevant"
  • "The content was relevant to the field we work in and provided practical tools:
  • "The interactive practice, the presenters, the location, practical content, lunch"
  • "The practical presentations, clear slides, comments of participants, obvious skills of presenters"
One participant emailed this week to say '... his behaviour that fitted precisely with your description of a young person with language and comprehension difficulties. A light bulb moment, thank you so much, now that I have a better understanding of what is going on for him I am better placed to get him the help he needs.'We will probably be running this workshop again in June and August and we are also planning a workshop specifically for speech-language therapists later in the year. We also design and deliver bespoke workshops for services or agencies that address the specific needs of a particular group for addressing speech, language and communication in their work with vulnerable children and youth.

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