I am an SLT
The Special Interest Group (SIG) is for those Speech-language therapists (SLTs) working with children, young people and adults who are involved with services to support emotional, behavioural, or mental health needs, or those involved with care and protection or justice services.
Working with TTANZ
All our SLTs are highly experienced clinicians who are members of NZSTA and who have completed Police vetting processes via TTANZ. We have over 30 team members, based in a range of places in Aotearoa, with the biggest group based in Auckland.
Learning and Development
If you are an SLT interested in receiving one-off or regular clinical supervision from one of our experienced SLTs, please contact us.
The Special Interest Group (SIG) is for those Speech-language therapists (SLTs) working with children, young people and adults who are involved with services to support emotional, behavioural, or mental health needs and those involved with care and protection or justice services.
This group is open to any SLT in New Zealand or from overseas and is free to join. It meets about several times a year in Auckland for 2 hours, with a number of people dialing in via Zoom and those who cannot attend in person receiving minutes and updates. This growing group of over 300 members provides an exciting opportunity for SLTs in New Zealand to make sure that the language and communication needs of children, young people and adults who often don’t get to access SLT services currently in Aotearoa are recognised and addressed. The SIG provides a way of sharing ideas, research, resources and best practice. All SLTs are welcome, whether directly working in the areas the SIG focuses on, or just interested. Contact us to find out more or fill in the form below to join the SIG mailing list.
The first meeting of this SIG took place in 21 April 2015.
NEXT SIG meeting - 13 November 2024
“Do I Really Have Rights to Participate?” Young People’s and Youth Justice Personnel’s Perceptions of Young People’s Rights to Participation in the Youth Justice Family Group Conference Setting
TIME and DATE: Wednesday, 13 November 2024, 4.30pm
PLACE: Online only - please join the SIG mailing list using the form on this webpage or email us if you have any trouble accessing the link - contact@talkingtroublenz.orgDr Jazz Robson (Ngāti Tuwharetoa & Ngāti Raukawa) is an independent researcher with a Doctor of Philosophy specialising in young people’s participation rights and youth justice family group conferencing. Her area of interest is in children’s participation rights and the impacts of silence on children’s and young people’s full experience of their participation rights. Jazz recently completed her doctoral thesis “Do I Really Have Rights to Participate?” Young People’s and Youth Justice Personnel’s Perceptions of Young People’s Rights to Participation in the Youth Justice Family Group Conference Setting in AUT’s School of Social Sciences & Public Policy.
Looking forward to seeing you on WednesdayNgā mihi
The Talking Trouble team -
15 November 2023 The topic was ‘SLTs, Capacity and Supported Decision making. Alayne McKee, Annette Rotherham and Sally Kedge presented on different contexts where SLTs work and there was a group discussion.
3 November 2022 We hosted a session with the SIG membership about ‘Honouring Autism culture and social skills training; are they mutually exclusive?’
30 March 2022: Dr Enys Delmage, Psychiatrist from Nga Taiohi, an adolescent forensic inpatient unit in Porirua, talked with us about Adolescent Forensic Psychiatry.
8 September 2021: Using Talking Mats with those with involvement in justice, care and protection, behaviour or mental health contexts.
25 March 2021: Dr Rishi Duggal, Consultant Psychiatrist from the Mason Clinic Regional Forensic Psychiatry Services spoke with us on the topic of psychosis and communication.
23 February 2021: We hosted a one day Child Protection Training Day for speech-language therapists delivered by Emily Stephen from Te Puawaitahi, Starship.
22 October 2020: Emily Stephen from Te Puawaitahi presented on Protecting our tamariki and rangatahi – Understanding our role, and how to respond when child abuse is happening.
19 August 2020: SLTs from Talking Trouble presented two New Zealand research reports on language and communication skills among young people at a youth justice residence, and the language involved in protection orders.
23 March 2020: SIG members who met via Zoom discussed communicating about bodies and consent: issues relating to accurate and non-leading communication when discussing sensitive topics and private body parts.
14 November 2019: Dr Kim Turner talked about her research and clinical practice relating to neurodevelopmental issues facing young people in contact with the criminal justice system and how this affects their access to justice. Her PhD focused on the speech, language and communication skills of young men within the custodial youth justice system in England and evaluating how speech and language therapy is delivered to them.
30 October 2019: Sue Hobbs and Erika Butters from The Personal Advocacy and Safeguarding Adults Trust (PASAT) addressed safeguarding adults and supported decision making. “Safeguarding is a range of activities and response that promote and protect human rights, health, wellbeing and culture, and prevent or reduce harm, abuse and neglect.” (from www.PASAT.org.nz). Links to some services that Sue and Erika mentioned are below:
Mana Whaikaha Enabling Good Lives project
Contact PASAT if you are concerned about an adult at risk for advice and support.
25 March 2019: Dr Andi Crawford presented about her fantastic New Zealand research relating to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and children and their whānau. Her presentation considered the psychosocial environment and the wider historical context of Aotearoa.
3 September 2018: Alayne McKee and Sally Kedge talked about their visits to SLTs in care and projection/justice settings in the UK. Alayne had received a Winston Churchill Fellowship for this trip.
22 March 2018: Graham Barnes from Shine: Making Homes Violence Free provided an overview for understanding family violence and how it impacts on children and families.
30 November 2017: Sharon Rickard, Psychologist from Te Aho Tapu Trust discussed ‘Engaging Whānau and Tamariki Māori’.
31 July 2017: Julia Wright, SLT presented case studies relating to her work with children involved with care and protection services.
11 April 2017: Dr Colette Muir, Paediatrician presented about what SLTs need to know about what Paediatricians do and how SLTs and Paediatricians can best work together.
7 February 2017: Mark Stephenson discussed the issues that arise for young people with language and communication needs from the perspective of having been a teacher, SLT and court-appointed Communication Assistant. He has worked extensively in New Zealand with children and young people involved with care and protection and youth justice services and discussed ways SLTs can support and work effectively with the other professionals involved to address the needs of these young people, particularly in maintaining or integrating them back into mainstream education.
31 May 2016: A case study was presented by Tracy and Alice from Kelston.
1 March 2016: A case study (preschooler) was presented by Alayne McKee from Ohomairangi Trust and TTANZ and the themes generated in the group discussions at the end of Judy Clegg’s two workshops in December 2015 were discussed.
25 Aug 2015: Presentation and discussion of two case studies provided by Emily and Zanna and a number of short topics: Linda Hand’s recent sabbatical trip investigating the intermediary system in the UK, TTANZ’s recent involvement in a court trial providing communication assistance to a young defendant, an update from anyone on resources, research, providing responsive services for Maori, and other clinical issues.
PDF files from slides presented plus links to follow up are availble to SIG members. Contact contact@talkingtroublenz.org if you would like to request access to this material if you did not receive details about how to access via the SIG mailing list.
Working with TTANZ
Interested in working with us? Our team of contractors is growing and we are lucky to have a highly skilled, creative, passionate and supportive team. We value flexibility and family friendly work practices. If you think that being an SLT with the TTANZ might be for you, please email contact@talkingtroublenz.org or phone 09 889 8738.
All our SLTs are highly experienced clinicians who are members of NZSTA and who have completed Police vetting processes via TTANZ. We have about 30 team members, based in a range of places in Aotearoa, with the biggest group based in Auckland. We receive referrals from around NZ, and we are interested in hearing from clinicians around the country. We are one of two providers of Communication Assistant roles for the Ministry of Justice and provide training and support for this work. We have a highly collaborative and supportive team and value ongoing professional development, research and innovation.
Learning and Development
If you are an SLT interested in receiving one off or regular clinical supervision from one of our experienced SLTs, please contact us: contact@talkingtroublenz.org or phone 09 889 8738