On this page, you will find the resources and links our Talking Trouble Aotearoa NZ team have created
Talking Trouble Child Protection Policy
Click to download and view our Child Protection Policy
What could improve communication in justice settings?
As a new year starts in 2025, we’ve been reflecting on what we’ve learned through working alongside and listening to participants in the justice system and their whānau, from working with many different professionals in the various types of interactions that occur, and from our understanding of the research available in this sector and have summarised some of this in this documents.
Actions to take to improve communication accessibility in legal spaces
Actions to take to improve communication accessibility in legal spaces
This one page information sheet celebrates 13 actions that people working in courts and other legal spaces can take to help to create a communication accessible setting.
Communication Postcards
This is one of the cards in a series of 7 in our Communication Postcards series, aimed to help professionals think about what they can do differently to help people participate.
These can be downloaded as a PDF to help professionals think about how they can help to communication as effectively as possible. These cards were developed as part of a project we did with a fabulous team of social workers and Family Group Conference coordinators at Oranga Tamariki Youth Justice. They were shared at a youth justice stakeholders meeting with Police Youth Aid, Drug and Alcohol Counsellors and others. Let us know how you use them and what impact they have.
Youth Voices about Youth Justice
Check out our Youth Voices about Youth Justice report, the animations and set of challenge cards here Youth Voices about Youth Justice
COAT: Communication Observation Assessment Tool
COAT Communication Observation Assessment Tool Talking Trouble June 2021
We created this tool when providing training with youth justice professionals. The aim of the tool was to provide a structure to help the team consider the barriers to communication that they may want to amend or remove, and to consider the opportunities that could be taken or developed further. We have found it useful but it has not been validated or researched. If it is useful, please use it and let us know how you found it, and please acknowledge our authorship.
We have created a new version of this to help legal professionals think about the communication that will take place in a future interaction (with people of any age) so they can plan ahead and get the 'right' accommodations ready.
Communication Observation Assessment Tool COAT future interactions version 7 May 2023
Communication Passports
We get lots of requests for templates for Communication Passports. There is no 'right' way to do these and each needs to be personalised for (and by!) the person the Communication Passport is for. If our templates are useful and give you ideas, please go ahead and use them. Please email us to let us know what you tried and how it went. We find people of all ages can find a Communication Passport a useful way to share what they want others to know and do to help communication go more smoothly.
PDF: TTANZ communication passport templates for website
PowerPoint (editable): TTANZ communication passport templates for website
In this document we suggest some practical considerations to bear in mind when ‘Creating Communication Passports’: Communication Passport Considerations Talking Trouble 11 March 24
Bail Conditions template
We've had some requests for this template showing a visual version of common conditions given to people on bail - so here you go!
PDF: Bail template from Talking Trouble public use
PowerPoint (editable): Bail template from Talking Trouble public use
We give permission for this to be used to help create communication accessibility (not for any financial gain); please let us know your stories about how it was received.
In this document we suggest some practical considerations for communicating about bail and other related justice topics: Communicating about bail and related topics Talking Trouble 11 March 24
Resource to help create communication accessible Family Group Conferences
This resource written by our amazing Alayne McKee appeared in the Youth Crime Action Plan newsletter published 1 October 2018. It is designed to help Family Group Conferences be as communication accessible as possible. Check out these useful practical tips and examples to help children, young people and families/whānau give their views and follow the discussion.
IALP World Congress of the International Association of Communication Sciences and Disorders (Auckland 2023) presentation
TTANZ Communication Checklist
We've developed this checklist for our own work. You are welcome to download and use this. Please only share with appropriate acknowledgement of TTANZ.
TTANZ SLT Assessment Communication Checklist young person November 2016 fillable form
We've updated our checklist to create a shorter version, and if you want a really quick one page profile checklist, check out the rapid checklist. These can be used by you or other people to help you reflect on what you have observed about a person's speech, language and communication profile.
TTANZ Rapid Speech Language and Communication Profile Tool 2017
TTANZ SLT Quick Communication Checklist 2017
We are also developing a resource to help young people reflect on their own skills that is designed specifically for New Zealand young people; contact us if you would like a copy.
Mental health visual resources
This file shows a sample from some of the resources we've developed with various teams, including mental health, youth justice and social worker teams. These can support discussion of a range of issues related to mental health and wellbeing.
Talking Trouble example visuals for mental health 3 April 2020
Talking Trouble Aotearoa NZ resources about planning for effective communication in virtual (audio and video link) meetings/court appearances/phone calls
These resources were created during COVID lockdowns when many people suddenly needed to participate over audio or audio/visual links in important meetings. They continue to be relevant. For a wide range of reasons, effective particpation and communication can be challenging when people are face-to-face, and these resources provide suggestions about what to consider and what to do (and not do). There is a version for professionals to use and also versions for participants.
Virtual meeting planning (professionals)
Virtual meeting planning (participants - 1 pager)
Virtual meeting planning (participants - 4 pager)
We also collaborated with Intermediaries for Justice to make an interational version of these resources
Virtual meeting planning (professionals international version)
Virtual meeting planning (participants - 1 pager international version)
Virtual meeting planning (participants - 4 pager international version)
Link to media relating to Talking Trouble Aotearoa NZ
Media relating to the release of Professor Ian Lambie's 2020 report: What were they thinking? A discussion paper on brain and behaviour in relation to the justice system in New Zealand included interviews with our team members on TV1 and Radio NZ and others. These can be found on our website here.
There was some media interest ahead of the Justice for Youth People Conference in Melbourne in 2019 interview about Talking Trouble’s work on ABC’s radio programme, the Law Report and a piece entitled, Speaking Up For Justice in the Law Institute Journal, October 2019, page 19-20.
Top tips for Youth Justice staff
The list on this top tips for YJ staff sheet originated from Twitter. The wonderful Natalie Kippen (speech-language pathologist and researcher from Perth) had asked: “SPs/SLTs in #youthjustice, you are giving frontline staff 2 points to think about/tips to use, re:#communication, when working w youth. what are they?” Some great contributions came in from SLTs around the world and were compiled. We've used this list with staff in a Youth Unit to create discussion. Let us know what you try and how it goes.
Lego Therapy Resources
You are welcome to use these resources which we adapted from work we observed and discussed with Fiona who works at Salford Youth Offending Team in the United Kingdom.
Talking Trouble Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori
Massive thanks to the amazing Talking Trouble team, especially Tracy Karanui-Golf for the content and amazing videos and Carol Green who drew and designed all our resources.
Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori Giving Voice Aotearoa Talking Trouble resources
Some Talking Trouble publications
Kedge, S. (2018). “When they say it fast and I don’t understand and then I just... goes blank and then boom”: Helping legal contexts make sense to complainants and defendants in New Zealand. Intellectual Disability Australasia, 39(4), 11–15.
Kedge, S., & McKee, A. (2018, September 17). Speech-language therapists: Human rights enablers [Paper presentation]. NZSTA Symposium.
Our chapter in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in Adults: Ethical and Legal Perspectives Volume 63 of the series International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine pp 139-147
2023 paper Sally Kedge and Alayne McKee wrote with others from Ireland and Northern Ireland:
Kearns, A., Clarke, D., Cusack, A., Gallagher, A., Humphreys, J., Kedge, S., & McKee, A. (2023). Intermediaries in the justice system for people with communication disability: Enacting Sustainable Development Goal 16 in Ireland, Northern Ireland, and New Zealand. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 25(1), 141-146. DOI: 10.1080/17549507.2022.2134457
TTANZ publications in the Youth Court Newsletter
Kedge, S. (2014). Special Report: Talking Trouble NZ Language and communication difficulties: children and young people involved with the legal system
Kedge, S. & McCann, C. (2016). Meeting speech, language and communication needs. Court In The Act: Newsletter of the NZ Youth Court.
Resources from others
New Zealand Justice Research
We're excited about the new research publications from Kelly Howard's research conducted at The University of Auckland concerning the use of Communication Assistants in Youth Justice settings in New Zealand. Kelly has created a fabulous website that explains her research findings (shout out to Carol Green, the artist who has created Kelly some wonderful images and who also does all our own Talking Trouble artwork and design). Kelly's research has been supervised by one of Talking Trouble's Academic Advisors, Dr Clare McCann:
Howard, K., McCann, C., & Dudley, M. (2019). ‘It’s really good, much needed, why hasn’t it happened earlier?’ Professionals’ perspectives on the benefits of communication assistance in the New Zealand youth justice system. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology. Advance online publication.
Howard, K., McCann, C., & Dudley, M. (2019). ‘I was flying blind a wee bit’: Professionals’ perspectives on challenges facing communication assistance in the New Zealand youth justice system. The International Journal of Evidence & Proof. Advance online publication.
Howard, K., McCann, C., Ewing, A., Dudley, M., & Brookbanks, W. (2019). Two legal concepts collide: the intersection of unfitness to stand trial and communication assistance. New Zealand Universities Law Review. Howard, K., McCann, C., & Dudley, M. (2020). What is communication assistance? Describing a new and emerging profession in the New Zealand youth justice system.Howard, K., McCann, C., & Dudley, M. (2019). 'It was like more easier': Rangatahi (young people) and their whānau (family) talk about communication assistance in the New Zealand youth justice system.
Professor Ian Lambie's Chief Science Advisor to the Justice Sector's reports
Professor Ian Lambie, Chief Science Advisor for the Justice sector, has produced a series of four reports related to criminal justice.
Four reports relating to justice from Professor Ian Lambie
Open access special edition on youth justice and speech language pathology (therapy) and new open access paper by Professor Pamela Snow
Fabulous range of useful papers here that can be read online or downloaded. Brilliant work from the team at Speech Pathology Australia's Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech Language Pathology:
Pam Snow's latest paper is a comprehensive update and again is open access.
Speech-Language Pathology and the Youth Offender: Epidemiological Overview and Roadmap for Future Speech-Language Pathology Research and Scope of Practice in Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools Volume 50, Issue 2.
Talking Mats
We have to Accredited Talking Mats trainers in our team and regularly deliver Talking Mats courses with our colleagues from TalkLink. The Talking Mats blog contains an enormous resources for professionals working across a wide range of sectors, including entries about justice, education, social work, behaviour, forensic health as well as many others.
If you haven't done Talking Mats training, do it, as you won't regret having more tools to help you consult with others: Talking Mats
Supported Decision Making and Safeguarding
Talking Mats has been a useful tool in supported decision making and safeguarding processes. More resources from New Zealand that may be useful are available here:
Mana Whaikaha Enabling Good Lives project - "transformed disability support system" pilot
Contact PASAT if you are concerned about an adult at risk for advice and support: "Safeguarding is a range of activities and response that promote and protect human rights, health, wellbeing and culture, and prevent or reduce harm, abuse and neglect".
Contact Oranga Tamariki if you are concerned about a child or young person:
If you are concerned about anyone in immediate danger, call the Police.
Blurred Borders: There are some fantastic Australia legal visual resources available here:
Working Through Communication Barriers: Your guide to supporting people within the justice system. This is a downloadable free book produced by Uniting Communities (South Australia) in 2020. Working Through Communication Barriers: your guide to supporting people within the justice system. This is a highly practical resource and we were delighted to see our own work referenced there.
Bright spots: Useful research and resources to help children and young people understand why they are in care:
Useful literacy resource for post-16s: Phonics Approaches Toolkit: Free to download on
Three useful pages to follow from wonderful colleagues in speech-language pathology/therapy across the ditch:
David Kinnane's Banter Speech and Language from Australia's blog has some highly accessible and practical ideas for supporting children and young people's language and communication development. We loved his latest on Developmental Language Disorder:
Dr Suze Leitao's fabulous pages from Curtin University in Perth:
Dr Nathaniel Swain's new blog summarising the latest research 'Read the Research' series kicks off with a fantastic paper by Dr Maxine Winstanley on justice/developmental language disorders. Winstanley, M., Webb, R. T., & Conti‐Ramsden, G. (2019). Psycholinguistic and socioemotional characteristics of young offenders: Do language abilities and gender matter?. Legal and Criminological Psychology.
Benchmark: Best practice-best evidence with vulnerable people
This New Zealand resource is freely available and provides highly detailed toolkits for professionals involved with the law, including a thorough guide to Communication Assistant roles which includes case law references and practical advice:
NZSTA Giving Voice Communication Access Checklist
NZSTA (the New Zealand Speech-Language Therapists' Association) has a Giving Voice Aotearoa campaign on currently which we are proud to be part of. Use this Giving Voice checklist tool to help reflect on how communication is at your place/in your service. This is a quick and easy tool that you can use yourself or with your team to think about things you can do to make your place and service easier from a communication perspective. Sally from our team was involved in the development of this tool, which takes a similar approach to what we have used in some of the big projects we have been involved in. For example, recently we used it in a conference workshop to help Paediatricians to think about how they communicate with children and families/whānau using their services and what they'd like to change. If you use it, get in touch and tell us how it has gone for you or explore the links below for things you can do to make things easier.
Books and practical resource manuals
Book: “Language Builders for Vulnerable Young People” published by ELKAN This is an excellent practical book written specifically for people supporting young people involved in Youth Justice.
Book: Children with Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties and Communication Problems: There is Always a Reason by Melanie Cross (2011), Jessica Kingsley Publishers; 2nd Revised edition.
Book: Functional Language in the Classroom (and at Home) by Maggie Johnson (2015), Clinical Communication Materials, Manchester Metropolitan University, contact to order. This is a highly practical and well-priced resource.
Book: Helping Children to Hang On To Your Every Word, also by Maggie Johnson, published by QED publications.
The Communication Trust: Many free resources for parents/carers and professionals about meeting speech, language and communication needs:
Speechmark publishers: A wide range of wonderful resources for working on language and behaviour/emotions. Resources by Catherine Delamain and Jill Spring offer highly practical ideas for developing language and communication skills across home and school. ‘Time Matters’ has a specific chapter on youth justice settings as well as useful resources for teaching the language of time. ‘Bothered: Helping teenagers talk about their feelings’ provides activities and great visuals. The Talkabout range of resources is very helpful for group or individual work on development of social skills and the talk needed to participate in work on emotions. A New Zealand supplier for Speechmark carries a reduced range of their catalogue:
Blacksheep Press: A:wide range of very reasonably priced oral language resource packs that can be downloaded and photocopied. Some relate specifically to language related to emotions/behaviour and social skills:
A Blob YMCA Toolbox. Pip Wilson has developed many resources that help with emotions and behaviour in a highly visual way:
Resources from Hanen: These resources are designed to support participants attending Hanen courses where parents/carers or professionals develop strategies to use speech, language and communication-enabling strategies in their own contexts (home, education, etc). The books, videos and other resources are excellent even if it is not possible to attend one of their courses. Mostly aimed at early, preschool and primary aged groups:
Thirty Million Words website: Short films and advice from this American website provide support for families with young children to help build oral language skills:
Do2Learn: Resources for creating visuals for day-to-day life at home and school and amazing resources on developing an awareness of the language involved in emotions
Easy Read resources: Guidance on producing clear written information
TTANZ can provide a service to make your materials in an “Easy Read” format – contact us to discuss this.
‘Up Goer 5’ text editor: Try typing a sentence to see if you are using words that occur most commonly in English
The Advocate’s Gateway: This is an excellent website for law professionals providing plenty of evidence-based information about engaging with vulnerable witnesses and defendants. For example, practical examples of good and poor questioning of vulnerable young people, extensive information about witness intermediary schemes (called Court Communication Assistants in New Zealand). Videos, tool kits and resource lists are included, for example “General Principles from Research: Planning to question a vulnerable person or someone with communication needs’ and “Effective Participation of Young Defendants”
Interactive courtroom resource: We want a version of this for the New Zealand courts: Interactive courtroom - Victim Support
Criminal justice system: Improving communication for vulnerable witnesses and defendants by Joyce Plotnikoff and Richard Woolfson, 2015, published by
Royal College of Speech Language Therapists’ Youth Justice webpages:
Sentence Trouble Project: Excellent film and booklet designed for professionals working in Youth Justice about language and communication. This project was part of The Communication Trus:
The Communication Trust submitted evidence concerning youth justice and communication skills to a UK parliamentary select committee in March 2012 and their report is available here:
UK’s Youth Justice Board new screening tool: Slide 33 shows the new UK Youth Justice speech-language and communication screening tool. A new New Zealand tool is in development – contact TTANZ for more information.
NACRO Youth Crime Briefing: Speech, language and communication difficulties: young people in trouble with the law:
Raising Your Game: Getting Ready For Court, a film for a UK audience of young people with language and learning difficulties:
Autism and the police:
Henderson, E. (2014). Cross-examining children. Law Talk.
Henderson, E. (2015). ‘A very valuable tool’: Judges, advocates and intermediaries discuss the intermediary system in England and Wales. The International Journal of Evidence and Proof. Vol 19(3), 154-171.
England/ Wales Ministry of Justice Procedural Guidance Manual for Registered Intermediaries:
Snow, P.C. & Powell, M.B. (2011). Youth (In)justice: Oral language competence in early life and risk for engagement in antisocial behaviour in adolescence. Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, 435.
Woodward, M., Hepner, I., & Stewart, J. (2014) ‘Out of the Mouth of Babes: Enabling children to give evidence in the justice system’, Alternative Law Journal, 39:1, pp27-30
Hepner, I., Woodward, M., & Stewart, J. (2015) ‘Giving the Vulnerable a Voice in the Criminal Justice System: The Use of Intermediaries with individuals with Intellectual Disability’, Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 22:3, pp453-464. For the early online edition (November 2014) please click here.
NZ Children's Commissioner's Listening 2 Kids resource
Useful and practical advice and ideas for anyone or any organisation wanting to engage with children and young people to hear their views.
Raise Awareness of Developmental Language Disorder
Watch videos, download articles and slides about Developmental Language Disorder. Sally has been involved in the international CATALISE project linked to this website. CATALISE worked on developing terminology and frameworks for talking about language difficulties in children. A useful summary of what the CATALISE project was about can be found here:
The Royal College of Speech Language Therapists in the UK have run an extremely active and successful campaign to raise awareness of the communication needs of young offenders.
Raising Your Game
Raising Your Game's project by Mencap has developed a range of resources including a film "Getting Ready for Court"
Restorative Practice and Restorative Justice resources
Attending Restorative Justice meetings or participating in other Restorative Practice activities can often involve a lot of talk. Efforts are being made to ensure all can fully participate and these links might be useful to look at.
Videos and materials from MOE's PB4L website by Professor Chris Marshall that consider how schools might become Restorative Practice contexts
Videos and materials from MOE's PB Margaret Thorsbone's website which has a link to her books written with Nick Burnett, called Restorative Practice and Special Needs.
Restorative Justice Aotearoa NZ has a wealth of information:
START: Stuttering Treatment and Research Trust
Pamela Snow
Associate Professor Pamela Snow in Australia is one of the leading international researchers in the area of language difficulties and young offending and has written a recent article here:
Pamela also write sa regular blog: The Snow Report. Her posts on restorative justice conferencing can be found at
Language competence and vulnerable young people are particularly relevant to our work:
The Thirty Million Words Initiative
This American website provides advice and support for families with young children to help build oral language skills:
New Zealand information about producing Easy Read documentation is available here:
People First NZ produce fantastic resources and guides to producing Easy Read documentation:
Examples of Easy Read documentation in legal contexts from the UK are here:
COMET/Talking Matters project
Auckland initiative involving many community partners to foster oral language in preschoolers:
Blacksheep Press
Wide range of oral language resource packs that can be downloaded:
Barry Prizant
Please read Barry's book, Uniquely Human which is about autism and so much more. He is talking about his approach in this video and the professional development he presented recently in Auckland was fantastic.
Elaine Meyer
Elaine recently presented in Auckland with Barry Prizant about working with families and their content was inspiring and so practical. You can get a taste of Elaine's approach on this video, 'On being present, not perfect'.
Impact of trauma on children
There are many excellent sources of information about how experiences of abuse, trauma, family violence and negative experiences can affect children's development (including speech, language and communication development), but some that we particularly like are listed below:
Richard Rose's 'Serve and Return' This short video shows his beautiful explanation of how attachment develops between children and parent and how this process can be disrupted. Richard delivers Life Story Work and has authored some very useful books on this and delivers training which is superb for anyone wanting to assist children to understand their own lives and have a way of talking about what has happened to them. Great ideas for developing emotional literacy too.
Harvard Centre on the Developing Child
Put aside a few hours to explore this amazing resource and sign up for their newsletters:
Circle of Security
Another treasure trove of resources about attachment and parenting. I particularly like their animations that are useful for professionals and families:
Dan Hughes
Dan's work has developed Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy: Attachment Focused Treatment for Childhood Trauma & Abuse, and his website provides useful resources for those working in this area:
Dave Ziegler
Jasper Mountain is the place that Dave and others have created where they pioneer approaches that work for children who have tried just about everything else. A wealth of publications, books and training have resulted:
How to structure your pepeha
Lift My Skills guidelines
Practical resources to work through to develop skills like assertive communication skills or better strategies to deal with anger and other emotions: