Benchmark: best practice-best evidence with vulnerable people

The new Benchmark website has been long awaited by our team: Benchmark project has been funded by The Law Foundation and IHC and has been put together by an eminent team coordinated by the Donald Beasley Institute. The website provides free, incredibly detailed and practical NZ resources and information for legal professionals. The Benchmark website describes itself as follows:

"Benchmark provides evidence-based guidelines, case law and other relevant resources to assist legal professionals working with people who may be vulnerable in the New Zealand legal system."

The list of available Guidelines is growing, and of particular relevance to our team is the Communication Assistance Guideline: guidelines/communication-assistants/We are delighted to have this resource available now in NZ and commend the team at Donald Beasley Institute and the fabulous contributors for this robust, practical resource.


For Speechies


Youth Voices about Youth Justice