Youth Voices about Youth Justice

Download a copy of our recent Youth Voices report: [button type="link" size="md" link="" target="_blank"]Download as a PDF[/button]Students from the NZ Animation College have been doing an assignment to create short animations for some of the quotes from our data. You can view some of these here.[video width="1920" height="1080" mp4=""][/video]They used our Talking Trouble Aotearoa NZ images (drawn by Carol Green) and created audio and animations to bring them to life. There are more to come which we will upload soon.There is also a set of postcards to go with the report.Click to enlarge each one below or [button type="link" size="md" link="" target="_blank"]download the set as a PDF[/button]

Benchmark: best practice-best evidence with vulnerable people


2018 Workshops